Wow, this was such a good VN, I think I'm on my 5th run now :') Are you planning to add voiceovers for the characters by any chance? Maybe a future DLC? That would be so good
Is there something specific I need to do to bring Arshem in my world idk what i did wrong :/ Like we got our dates n we smashed but this dude didnt even get emotional when I left... ALONE?? idk :(
I was curious what game engine this uses? Looking into making a visual novel that has more than just dialogue choices and so was looking into some of the games I liked more for their features (like this one)
So im a gal in her early 30s and have not picked up very many story driven games since like DMMD was popular over 10 years ago. That had always been my favorite since I normally favor BL stories.
Well shoot.. I've been playing since last night and this is now my new favorite.
The cutscenes are amazing. I'm so glad i picked the male version and bought the Harlots DLC. Let me tell you.... The dlc is so spicy and worth it. My first route is with Arshem but I plan to play through them all. Arshem's story is so sweet. I think I may go with Thane next since.. well you know.... vampires are hot.
My only issue with this game is that I don't have a friend to talk to them about this game! I dont think my husband would particularly love hearing me rave about a BL game haha!
I'm wilding out. To keep this as spoiler-free as possible, I went into this game completely blind and I had an itch in the back of my skull right after the main goal was accomplished, but that "default" ending still slapped me across the face. The (?) was a particularly fun touch - excellently done. I'm incredibly curious about the alternative ones the guide mentioned now.
I know they're not usually what folks come for in dating sims, but the plot and worldbuilding were delicious and certain villain(s) have a talent for making you feel sympathetic to their situation. If I had any thoughts, I might have appreciated content warnings for some of the uh. Particulars of the villain's backstory before getting into the game, but I think that's my main concern.
Thank you for the meal! I hope you'll share more of your work in the future. : >
im gonna cry, i played this years back and had the ending with the fuck for life dude strangled me to death because i found out and i tried the game again and it ended the same way, is there only one ending?
are you sure you bought the whole game and not just played the demo? There isn’t a ending where quill chokes you in the whole game and the game has only been finished in april 2024 so less than a year
Crying in the club bc I am just a little guy and the damn octopus won't GET ON MY LINE bro ;,,,,,^}}}
Still in love with this game!! If you're a player reading this, I am using my mind powers to make you buy the dlc and leave a little tip for Miss Xero xoxox <333
Assuming you go through a branch where Thane licked Fia’s bloody arm, basically you choose should we go after him and leave her with quill then choose near the pubs
I commented a couple of weeks ago on the DLC page, bemoaning the fact that I couldn't get the game to launch. After some time troubleshooting, I finally got everything to work, and I am so happy I did! This game is stunning, with so many fun and engaging features. I love every LI, and I've played through every route. I've read some of your other updates, and I'm excited that there's another DLC and a sequel game in the works! I hope some of these same characters will be revisited, but even if they aren't, I can't wait to see what else is in store for this universe. Thank you for a wonderful game, it was worth every penny <3
So is it normal for the female protag to skip most of the introduction while the male gets all of it? Or is that an error...? Edit: i see that this is disappointingly purposeful. I do wish there'd been atleast a written introduction because parts of that were incredibly important to setting up the game. I'm just kinda lucky I chose to play as male first to see it all.
Oof, I've lost files for projects MUCH smaller than a game like this and cried for a week 😅 so I can empathize with not wanting to have to do it all over again. If the routes are otherwise the same, then I'll just start a male route and switch to a female one once I've seen the extra stuff. No harm, no foul!
it seems that it was in the demo before for the female the full intro seemed to have been in their sadly i wish those files had just been added into the game lol i loved the female mc black dress TWT
hello i hope someone can help with this, i just bought a shiny new steam deck and i was wondering if there was a way to play the game i bought on itch with it or if i have to suck it up and buy it again.
Could someone please help me out with getting all the cgs in this game? Or is there a discord for that? Following the guide, I got all the endings, completed all the side quests, romanced all characters, tried completing game with both kindness and honesty raised and separately with mostly kindness. I might get more replies on steam but I felt more comfortable asking here.
The cgs I'm missing are next:
-page 2, third row, third picture from the left side (mirror)
-page 5 6, first row, last picture from the left (Quill), second row, first picture is connected to it
-page 10, fourth row, first three pictures from the left
On a side note, to dear Miss Xero:
I really liked the game, especially the chaotic thrio (Arshem, Quill, and Thane). The effort and love put in the game is amazing. Thank you Miss Xero. I also read about your circumstances that lead to this game and I think you're a wonderful person and I think both your circumstances, life experiences, bits of yourself and your growth as a person could be felt in the game which made it all the more special.
First off I LOVED THIS GAME!!!! This was one of my first PC games to play and I WAS BLOWN AWAY!!! Also addicted now! I loved the game, the storyline, and above all the characters! I did have a few questions for you too! I ended up spending the last 3 days going through all the endings and routes for each to get the full story and I loved the time and effort put into them!!
I was wondering if you were going to do a spin-off to the story involving these characters, and if there will be more of the spicy scenes?
Also, there was a part in the storyline when the MC meets Ivar a second time while he's bathing he sorta hints that they would have a spicy moment. So I was wondering if you were to make a route for him? Also if you do a spin off for Irwin's story for the vamps would Thane be included?
Another do you plan on making merch because I need and want them all!!!
Second to last question is would I get permission in the future to get a tattoo of the characters using your artwork?
Lastly, I know you're working on a new story is it going to contain more of the good spicy drawings too?
I plan on supporting my addiction through your pateron to hold me over till the next game comes out XD
Thank you for this great game!! I cant wait to see more!!!
First off thanks so much for the kind comment, Im so happy to hear you enjoyed the game ^ ^
As for your questions
I plan to make another DLC in 2025 which provides a route for Ivar, the MC dating OG Palmier, and Dietrich (besically all the blondes lol) and that DLC will also reveal more on Seth’s relevance and the witches fate
For the spinoff Bewitching Sinners Royal Blood, I will focus on the Vortec Empire and consequences of the MC but Thane will probably not be involved in that plot though you may see him in my Rumor Has It project
For merch, I have no plans as of now as I am only one woman and focus on getting my works done first
For the tattoo, please feel free to do so if you wish
And for your last question, I plan to release spicy content in my patreon only in the future so yes but prioritize on ginishing the vanilla version of RHI first and adjust my plans and timeline once that is done !
If you do become a patron, please feel free to hit me up on the discord and ask me anything! ^ v ^. Thx for your support and enthusiasm!
Thank you for replying! I'm so excited to see what you have planned next. I cannot wait to see all the new routes, too! Thank you for putting in the time and effort to make such a great game!! <3
I’m glad I read this comment because I was about to ask if you were ever planning to make Ivar someone the Mc can date. His story is very sad and what happened to him is horrible and a bit triggering. I’ve seen some of the game but would like to be able to play it.
Hello ! Just a quick message to say, your game was really amazing, i love everything from it ! I've devoured it in on go, and did all the route ! I had so much fun and got attached to the characters. The DLC was sweet to the eyes (ivar omg, wasn't excepted this ahah), but sometimes it feels "odd" like nothing happened the day after (looking at you quill). Otherwise, I really enjoyed it. And i'm eager to see what you are doing next :)
This is insanly good. The story, the lore, the characters, the art. It's all works together so well.
I was blown away by this game and DLC.
And romance is out of this world. Thane blew me away. I did his rout last just to see the pictures. I expected nothing... Thane making a conscious choice to be your love and happiness because he wants to... Not because of past friendships and relationship do over... Thane is goals
Hi, i love your game and plan to buy when i have the money, financial issues, but i want to know if you plan, maybe some day, to put the DLC on steam, i can only buy there for now and i really want to play it, just to know, dont fell forced to answer if you fell uncomfortable :)
This is an absolutely great game. All the characters are written so well and the art is so pretty. I was wondering if there are any plans for an art or lore book since I really liked the world building featured and it was interesting reading about all the different factions. I also really wanna know what happens to Irwin and more about the vampires. Of course looking forward to any future work of yours :)
currently no to artbook but I do plan to make a sequel one day regarding the Vortec Empire after Bewitching Sinners events of Palmier killing all the witches and basically destroying their world’s power dynamic
I don't know if this is an error or not, but I downloaded the latest BS patch and Harlots DLC, all of the artwork is available in gallery, even for fem MC who I had no intention of playing as. The skip button also skips over unseen script (not sure if it's supposed to or not, with other VN it doesn't)
for the skip try togglingg off the unseen text option if it is on, for the Cg it is opened as previously there was an update that caused the gallery to be blank despite having opened them so it is let open
hello! i really enjoyed this game and even bought the dlc, so congrats first of all!!! The lore is very very interesting, if i had to nit pick something it would be that at the end of the game the relationships seem more in the "like" area than "love" which makes a lot of sense since its been only a month, but still it leaves a bit unsatified.
(and also HOLY SHIT AU MC was a little psychopath WTH)
Now, I had a couple of question for our wonderful dev(s?)
1. In the guide it's written that the fish quest in the church courtyard is important (to find a substitute ink i presume) but i never noticed any differences. (i did both octopus and angel fish). Am i doing something wrong?
2.err this is more of a suggestion/request honestly, in some otome games when you unlock the CG you can replay the scene, which for someone who has the memory of an elderly goldfish its very useful. Had you considered adding this feature in the future, or would it be to time consuming?
3.I'm thinking of starting my own IF project, any advice for a newbie?
Again, splendid work, i love the manwha art style. Can't wait for the ivan DLC <3
thank you so much for your kind comment. And as for your questions
Originally for the quest in question 1 it was a factor in deciding the true ending trigger or not but now it only adds better clarity n minor comments when triggering said ending
For no 2, I am only a single dev so for now I have no intention on that because of the sheer cg/replay amount haha but we will see, I’ve never really looked into the code for that
for no 3… hmm I think the best advice I can give is have fun and start small with a time limit. Don’t do a big project that goes on for 6 months or more , limit to 3 months for a first time unless you really wanna make a career out if it, but even if you do a big project, always set and fulfill that deadline. Join the renpy discord also for code tips if you use renpy because the community is great and python is really easy to learn. And also…. Your game wont be perfect often you will release with bugs or flaws and that is okay. To finish is better than perfection.
thank you for your replies. It’s incredible you managed to make this game completely alone, it looks like a LOT of work, also you’re a great artist. You’ve been extraordinarily kind, I look forward to your future works!
Ps: One last question I swear. The CG where palmier dances crying to which ending belongs? I thought I had seen them all but I feel like I didn’t see that one. Then again, as I said, elderly goldfish.
Hi there! I just want to ask a quick question on why is the opening of the FemMC and MascMC so different? I feel like the FemMC one got cut short so much other than the Masc one (also there are lesser cgs too), which makes me kinda uncomfortable with how the FemMC is being treated, is this intentional or something else and it's gonna change in the future? (I'm sorry if this came out rude or offended anyone, feel free to correct me if I'm wronged anywhere!)
No problem about the question, I have answered it many times now but I get the curiosity. basically originally this was a comic with Quill as the mc and the male Palmier as the leading man, so I had a lot of art already in stock. That webtoon got scrapped but I reused those files for this VN. When I wanted to make the femme side, I was also upgrading my PC so a lot the files were lost (backgrounds, panel divides, balloons, etc) and I aint about to do that all from 0 again. No I have no more intention of making the femme opening as the male, because it took me 7 days of almost no sleep to make that comic intro from scratch and it is not an experience I would ever revisit, if the raw files still existed sure, but they are long gone
Basically it is not intended, but it’s just because a lot of files were lost mid production and I was (and still am) tired. I do apologize for the unfair cg amount,but it is what it is
First of all, thank you for replying to my comment! It was simply something I had been wondering for quite some time and couldn't help but to get it out of my chest. And I'm so sorry to hear that, I understand that it took a lot of time for you to be able to finish the game especially when you're an indie dev, it must take a lot of time and passion to make this game and I'm very grateful that I'm being able to play the game, it was an amazing adventure for me, and I do hope to see more of your work in the future, thank you!
Wait. So I have bought the main game and I haven't downloaded it. Do I need to buy the NSFW DLC again? Do I buy it again on Steam or can I just use the itch version?
No added purchases necessary if you have already purchased the game or dlc. you can still download the main game here, as for the DlC, if you haven’t download it but already purchased please email me for the dlc key
Hello! Love this game so much, I just bought DLC! Wanted to ask a couple of things 1. Bought the game on steam and when I installed it all the CG art was already unlocked. Not sure if anyone else encountered it or if its something on my end. 2. Upon buying the DLC, it says I also got a steam key, I've never tried redeeming steam keys before, so maybe this is a me problem, but won't that mean I bought the whole thing (game + DLC) for only 3 USD? I feel like that might be a pricing loophole? Than you for the DLC update! I am so excited to play through it again to see everything!
Oh thanks for reporting that, just deleted the keys for fixing!
For the CG yes it is like that due to a previous flaw in the code which deleted all CG collecting progress once updated and I rather not have previous owners lose their progress so I instead open the CG gallery, which also prevents the recurring issue
This game is worth every penny. The storyline, character, art are all so amazing and the gameplay is so entertaining!! I've played over 10 hours and I'm still going back for all the endings and love interests!!
I really loved the demo! Unfortunately, it was really hard to play, since I'm not fluent in English or anything. I wanted to do a gameplay of the full game, but the amount of cuts that will have to be made because of this is no joke :')
Do you plan on bringing a Spanish or even Portuguese translation in the future?
the full game! just download it and extract it. after that just add the game on joiplay. if you don't have joiplay, it's on Patreon, download it with the plugins. i also recommend joining the joiplay discord because they answer if you have any questions and there is also a list of games you can play with joiplay. hope this helps!
I played for a male character, he is such a wonderful boy, oh my god!I was very captivated by the plot, a breath of fresh air, seriously.Lots of interesting elements, the lore of the universe itself looks intriguing, I wanted to take a wider look at the world of the game)
And of course I'm waiting for the DLC, my boy needs more kisses and suitors!)
← Return to game
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Wow, this was such a good VN, I think I'm on my 5th run now :') Are you planning to add voiceovers for the characters by any chance? Maybe a future DLC? That would be so good
there will be a sequel !
Quill Inkwell is so funny I'm gonna try this
help i flipped arshem off in the beginning because i thought it’d be funny, and then discovering he was my ex… ahahaha oh my god that must’ve hurt
Please make a discord i would love to join to be up to date with ur other games
Also are u planning on making another game or a sequel? Feels bad leaving them behind
Yes, there is a sequel in the works please look at my announcement, here :
that being said, I can't promise a happy ending either lool
Is there something specific I need to do to bring Arshem in my world idk what i did wrong :/ Like we got our dates n we smashed but this dude didnt even get emotional when I left... ALONE?? idk :(
hmm did you experience the date where he told you he was going to your world? The one where you convene in the angel statues?
I just did it again and got it thank you ;_;
I was curious what game engine this uses? Looking into making a visual novel that has more than just dialogue choices and so was looking into some of the games I liked more for their features (like this one)
i use renpy, generally renpy can be whatever u want even add rpg elements as long as u understand Python
So im a gal in her early 30s and have not picked up very many story driven games since like DMMD was popular over 10 years ago. That had always been my favorite since I normally favor BL stories.
Well shoot.. I've been playing since last night and this is now my new favorite.
The cutscenes are amazing. I'm so glad i picked the male version and bought the Harlots DLC. Let me tell you.... The dlc is so spicy and worth it. My first route is with Arshem but I plan to play through them all. Arshem's story is so sweet. I think I may go with Thane next since.. well you know.... vampires are hot.
My only issue with this game is that I don't have a friend to talk to them about this game! I dont think my husband would particularly love hearing me rave about a BL game haha!
I'm wilding out. To keep this as spoiler-free as possible, I went into this game completely blind and I had an itch in the back of my skull right after the main goal was accomplished, but that "default" ending still slapped me across the face. The (?) was a particularly fun touch - excellently done. I'm incredibly curious about the alternative ones the guide mentioned now.
I know they're not usually what folks come for in dating sims, but the plot and worldbuilding were delicious and certain villain(s) have a talent for making you feel sympathetic to their situation. If I had any thoughts, I might have appreciated content warnings for some of the uh. Particulars of the villain's backstory before getting into the game, but I think that's my main concern.
Thank you for the meal! I hope you'll share more of your work in the future. : >
im gonna cry, i played this years back and had the ending with the fuck for life dude strangled me to death because i found out and i tried the game again and it ended the same way, is there only one ending?
are you sure you bought the whole game and not just played the demo? There isn’t a ending where quill chokes you in the whole game and the game has only been finished in april 2024 so less than a year
oh, oops! :)
Crying in the club bc I am just a little guy and the damn octopus won't GET ON MY LINE bro ;,,,,,^}}}
Still in love with this game!! If you're a player reading this, I am using my mind powers to make you buy the dlc and leave a little tip for Miss Xero xoxox <333
Sorry to ask, but when is the next sale. I missed the last one by a day :(
i legally cannot disclose that but my sales coincide with major seasonal steam sales > < spring sales, sumemr sales etc
got it thx <3
There's a sale right now if you hadn't seen it yet
Assuming you go through a branch where Thane licked Fia’s bloody arm, basically you choose should we go after him and leave her with quill then choose near the pubs
Thank you so much!
I commented a couple of weeks ago on the DLC page, bemoaning the fact that I couldn't get the game to launch. After some time troubleshooting, I finally got everything to work, and I am so happy I did! This game is stunning, with so many fun and engaging features. I love every LI, and I've played through every route. I've read some of your other updates, and I'm excited that there's another DLC and a sequel game in the works! I hope some of these same characters will be revisited, but even if they aren't, I can't wait to see what else is in store for this universe. Thank you for a wonderful game, it was worth every penny <3
So is it normal for the female protag to skip most of the introduction while the male gets all of it? Or is that an error...? Edit: i see that this is disappointingly purposeful. I do wish there'd been atleast a written introduction because parts of that were incredibly important to setting up the game. I'm just kinda lucky I chose to play as male first to see it all.
Oh, what the heck? Thanks for the heads up. What was the reason for skipping it in the lady route?
basically lost all files before finishing the female one, too sick and frustrated to do that all again
Oof, I've lost files for projects MUCH smaller than a game like this and cried for a week 😅 so I can empathize with not wanting to have to do it all over again. If the routes are otherwise the same, then I'll just start a male route and switch to a female one once I've seen the extra stuff. No harm, no foul!
it seems that it was in the demo before for the female the full intro seemed to have been in their sadly i wish those files had just been added into the game lol i loved the female mc black dress TWT
hello i hope someone can help with this, i just bought a shiny new steam deck and i was wondering if there was a way to play the game i bought on itch with it or if i have to suck it up and buy it again.
Could someone please help me out with getting all the cgs in this game? Or is there a discord for that? Following the guide, I got all the endings, completed all the side quests, romanced all characters, tried completing game with both kindness and honesty raised and separately with mostly kindness. I might get more replies on steam but I felt more comfortable asking here.
The cgs I'm missing are next:
-page 2, third row, third picture from the left side (mirror)
56, first row, last picture from the left (Quill), second row, first picture is connected to it-page 10, fourth row, first three pictures from the left
On a side note, to dear Miss Xero:
I really liked the game, especially the chaotic thrio (Arshem, Quill, and Thane). The effort and love put in the game is amazing. Thank you Miss Xero. I also read about your circumstances that lead to this game and I think you're a wonderful person and I think both your circumstances, life experiences, bits of yourself and your growth as a person could be felt in the game which made it all the more special.
this seems SO GOOD. adding it to my list xxx
Hi Miss Xero!
First off I LOVED THIS GAME!!!! This was one of my first PC games to play and I WAS BLOWN AWAY!!! Also addicted now! I loved the game, the storyline, and above all the characters! I did have a few questions for you too! I ended up spending the last 3 days going through all the endings and routes for each to get the full story and I loved the time and effort put into them!!
I was wondering if you were going to do a spin-off to the story involving these characters, and if there will be more of the spicy scenes?
Also, there was a part in the storyline when the MC meets Ivar a second time while he's bathing he sorta hints that they would have a spicy moment. So I was wondering if you were to make a route for him? Also if you do a spin off for Irwin's story for the vamps would Thane be included?
Another do you plan on making merch because I need and want them all!!!
Second to last question is would I get permission in the future to get a tattoo of the characters using your artwork?
Lastly, I know you're working on a new story is it going to contain more of the good spicy drawings too?
I plan on supporting my addiction through your pateron to hold me over till the next game comes out XD
Thank you for this great game!! I cant wait to see more!!!
First off thanks so much for the kind comment, Im so happy to hear you enjoyed the game ^ ^
As for your questions
I plan to make another DLC in 2025 which provides a route for Ivar, the MC dating OG Palmier, and Dietrich (besically all the blondes lol) and that DLC will also reveal more on Seth’s relevance and the witches fate
For the spinoff Bewitching Sinners Royal Blood, I will focus on the Vortec Empire and consequences of the MC but Thane will probably not be involved in that plot though you may see him in my Rumor Has It project
For merch, I have no plans as of now as I am only one woman and focus on getting my works done first
For the tattoo, please feel free to do so if you wish
And for your last question, I plan to release spicy content in my patreon only in the future so yes but prioritize on ginishing the vanilla version of RHI first and adjust my plans and timeline once that is done !
If you do become a patron, please feel free to hit me up on the discord and ask me anything! ^ v ^. Thx for your support and enthusiasm!
Thank you for replying! I'm so excited to see what you have planned next. I cannot wait to see all the new routes, too! Thank you for putting in the time and effort to make such a great game!! <3
I’m glad I read this comment because I was about to ask if you were ever planning to make Ivar someone the Mc can date. His story is very sad and what happened to him is horrible and a bit triggering. I’ve seen some of the game but would like to be able to play it.
what would yall say the playtime is?
about 8-10 hours for an ending
Hello ! Just a quick message to say, your game was really amazing, i love everything from it ! I've devoured it in on go, and did all the route ! I had so much fun and got attached to the characters. The DLC was sweet to the eyes (ivar omg, wasn't excepted this ahah), but sometimes it feels "odd" like nothing happened the day after (looking at you quill).
Otherwise, I really enjoyed it. And i'm eager to see what you are doing next :)
This is insanly good. The story, the lore, the characters, the art. It's all works together so well.
I was blown away by this game and DLC.
And romance is out of this world. Thane blew me away. I did his rout last just to see the pictures. I expected nothing... Thane making a conscious choice to be your love and happiness because he wants to... Not because of past friendships and relationship do over... Thane is goals
Thank you so much for creating this masterpiece!
Hi, i love your game and plan to buy when i have the money, financial issues, but i want to know if you plan, maybe some day, to put the DLC on steam, i can only buy there for now and i really want to play it, just to know, dont fell forced to answer if you fell uncomfortable :)
no worries i can only post the second dlc on steam tho as the the harlots dlc is mature
When will ya put DLC to Steam? At the moment, i can only make payments through Steam, while i really wanna try it. Btw, i luv your game <3
I will onlt post the second dlc to steam due to harlots dlc not being elligible on steam due to its rating
Oh i forget that you better play as a guy because there are lines missing and its better written in the nsfw scenes -'.- dont wanne be a guuuuuy
This is an absolutely great game. All the characters are written so well and the art is so pretty. I was wondering if there are any plans for an art or lore book since I really liked the world building featured and it was interesting reading about all the different factions. I also really wanna know what happens to Irwin and more about the vampires. Of course looking forward to any future work of yours :)
currently no to artbook but I do plan to make a sequel one day regarding the Vortec Empire after Bewitching Sinners events of Palmier killing all the witches and basically destroying their world’s power dynamic
god that would be funny as hell
"ah fuck this kid demolished our social hierarchy by eliminating an entire race, what do we do now?"
Hi would you like to take instructions for the novice game play inthowsus?
Can you post a guide, please? Getting the same ending :[
check here or the html guide in the download files
I don't know if this is an error or not, but I downloaded the latest BS patch and Harlots DLC, all of the artwork is available in gallery, even for fem MC who I had no intention of playing as. The skip button also skips over unseen script (not sure if it's supposed to or not, with other VN it doesn't)
for the skip try togglingg off the unseen text option if it is on, for the Cg it is opened as previously there was an update that caused the gallery to be blank despite having opened them so it is let open
Ok! Thank you
you’re welcome!
hello! i really enjoyed this game and even bought the dlc, so congrats first of all!!! The lore is very very interesting, if i had to nit pick something it would be that at the end of the game the relationships seem more in the "like" area than "love" which makes a lot of sense since its been only a month, but still it leaves a bit unsatified.
(and also HOLY SHIT AU MC was a little psychopath WTH)
Now, I had a couple of question for our wonderful dev(s?)
1. In the guide it's written that the fish quest in the church courtyard is important (to find a substitute ink i presume) but i never noticed any differences. (i did both octopus and angel fish). Am i doing something wrong?
2.err this is more of a suggestion/request honestly, in some otome games when you unlock the CG you can replay the scene, which for someone who has the memory of an elderly goldfish its very useful. Had you considered adding this feature in the future, or would it be to time consuming?
3.I'm thinking of starting my own IF project, any advice for a newbie?
Again, splendid work, i love the manwha art style. Can't wait for the ivan DLC <3
thank you so much for your kind comment. And as for your questions
Originally for the quest in question 1 it was a factor in deciding the true ending trigger or not but now it only adds better clarity n minor comments when triggering said ending
For no 2, I am only a single dev so for now I have no intention on that because of the sheer cg/replay amount haha but we will see, I’ve never really looked into the code for that
for no 3… hmm I think the best advice I can give is have fun and start small with a time limit. Don’t do a big project that goes on for 6 months or more , limit to 3 months for a first time unless you really wanna make a career out if it, but even if you do a big project, always set and fulfill that deadline. Join the renpy discord also for code tips if you use renpy because the community is great and python is really easy to learn. And also…. Your game wont be perfect often you will release with bugs or flaws and that is okay. To finish is better than perfection.
thank you for your replies. It’s incredible you managed to make this game completely alone, it looks like a LOT of work, also you’re a great artist. You’ve been extraordinarily kind, I look forward to your future works!
Ps: One last question I swear. The CG where palmier dances crying to which ending belongs? I thought I had seen them all but I feel like I didn’t see that one. Then again, as I said, elderly goldfish.
It belongs to one of seths ending where he kills us due to asking to talk ut out
Ooh I may have done just the one Seth ending. Thanks again!
Hi there! I just want to ask a quick question on why is the opening of the FemMC and MascMC so different? I feel like the FemMC one got cut short so much other than the Masc one (also there are lesser cgs too), which makes me kinda uncomfortable with how the FemMC is being treated, is this intentional or something else and it's gonna change in the future? (I'm sorry if this came out rude or offended anyone, feel free to correct me if I'm wronged anywhere!)
No problem about the question, I have answered it many times now but I get the curiosity. basically originally this was a comic with Quill as the mc and the male Palmier as the leading man, so I had a lot of art already in stock.
That webtoon got scrapped but I reused those files for this VN. When I wanted to make the femme side, I was also upgrading my PC so a lot the files were lost (backgrounds, panel divides, balloons, etc) and I aint about to do that all from 0 again. No I have no more intention of making the femme opening as the male, because it took me 7 days of almost no sleep to make that comic intro from scratch and it is not an experience I would ever revisit, if the raw files still existed sure, but they are long gone
Basically it is not intended, but it’s just because a lot of files were lost mid production and I was (and still am) tired. I do apologize for the unfair cg amount,but it is what it is
First of all, thank you for replying to my comment! It was simply something I had been wondering for quite some time and couldn't help but to get it out of my chest. And I'm so sorry to hear that, I understand that it took a lot of time for you to be able to finish the game especially when you're an indie dev, it must take a lot of time and passion to make this game and I'm very grateful that I'm being able to play the game, it was an amazing adventure for me, and I do hope to see more of your work in the future, thank you!
harlots DLC have been moved here :
to avoid further chaos to main game buyers who haven’t downloaded the main game yet.
For buyers who haven’t download the dlc but have purchased here, please email me to receive your file
So sorry for the inconvenience
Wait. So I have bought the main game and I haven't downloaded it. Do I need to buy the NSFW DLC again? Do I buy it again on Steam or can I just use the itch version?
No added purchases necessary if you have already purchased the game or dlc. you can still download the main game here, as for the DlC, if you haven’t download it but already purchased please email me for the dlc key
Hello! Love this game so much, I just bought DLC!
Wanted to ask a couple of things
1. Bought the game on steam and when I installed it all the CG art was already unlocked. Not sure if anyone else encountered it or if its something on my end.
2. Upon buying the DLC, it says I also got a steam key, I've never tried redeeming steam keys before, so maybe this is a me problem, but won't that mean I bought the whole thing (game + DLC) for only 3 USD? I feel like that might be a pricing loophole?
Than you for the DLC update! I am so excited to play through it again to see everything!
Oh thanks for reporting that, just deleted the keys for fixing!
For the CG yes it is like that due to a previous flaw in the code which deleted all CG collecting progress once updated and I rather not have previous owners lose their progress so I instead open the CG gallery, which also prevents the recurring issue
Glad to have cleared that up!
Thanks again and I'm looking forward to the spiciness for this DLC!
This game is worth every penny. The storyline, character, art are all so amazing and the gameplay is so entertaining!! I've played over 10 hours and I'm still going back for all the endings and love interests!!
I'm looking forward to the DLC!!
Pssst, Patrons already have access to it, mwahaahha
When's the DLC release 👀
are you planning to make happy ending with Ivar? please i’d do anything to have it
that is in the second DLC tho it will probably a while as I plan to take a break after the Harlots DLC
I really loved the demo! Unfortunately, it was really hard to play, since I'm not fluent in English or anything. I wanted to do a gameplay of the full game, but the amount of cuts that will have to be made because of this is no joke :')
Do you plan on bringing a Spanish or even Portuguese translation in the future?
sorry, no
Is there any possibility that this game would be released in android version? 🥺
sorry no, the map system doesn’t work great on android nor does the touch mechanic, unfortunately
you can use joiplay, it works fine
The demo or the full game? How TT
the full game! just download it and extract it. after that just add the game on joiplay. if you don't have joiplay, it's on Patreon, download it with the plugins. i also recommend joining the joiplay discord because they answer if you have any questions and there is also a list of games you can play with joiplay. hope this helps!
I played for a male character, he is such a wonderful boy, oh my god!I was very captivated by the plot, a breath of fresh air, seriously.Lots of interesting elements, the lore of the universe itself looks intriguing, I wanted to take a wider look at the world of the game)
And of course I'm waiting for the DLC, my boy needs more kisses and suitors!)