Goals List

Some Goals For The Project!

Tbh I was on the fence about making goals for this project. But I decided to do so because I legit want to expand the game while still being able to pay for my food. (I'm freelancing atm okay. Don't worry, I'm not starving by any means, but ain't as financially free as my Amplitude or Lingering days :') )

If you want to help support the game, please consider supporting me on Patreon, or if that is too much commitment, you can donate 1x in Ko-fi

The goals are mostly for additional outfits + Dietrich's hidden route and an extended goal for Partial Voice Acting.

If the goals are not fulfilled I'll still finish the game, I just will cut out those content as VAs obviously need to hire help, and I would like to commission an artist friend of mine to do the slutty Formal outfits design because if I do it it'll be straight up BL porn.

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Honestly I'd rather have more (slutty/porn-y) outfits than any VA. Either way though, I love the demo!

wait will this game have nsfw content too?


Not at release no, but if sales go well I might add a DLC


I really REALLY dig the demo (Yaoi fanatic here) and I'm going to be following this game religiously. I personally don't think VA are necessary, but I am looking forward to BL porn lol. I will gladly buy the game when it's ready... does this have a rough release date?


Glad you liked the demo! Im hoping to release this maybe around September if everything goes well and fast, but if not then January 2024. I laid out all the groundwork in the demo which is the hardest part so to finish just add the routes and CGs. It depends on my life situation as well as tbh, for example if I werent so ill in December I could've released the demo before Christmast since all it needed was testing, but alas it wasn't meant to be.

I just finished the demo tonight and eee! I'm going to die waiting to see what happens next lol. Do you think you'll release another demo before September (hopefully)? Thanks!
(1 edit) (+4)

I might just to make sure the hype is still up, but we'll see. I think if I haven't reach half of the game in terms of CG and coded script by May I will post another extended demo in June to keep the hype momentum, but we'll see.  

I rather not rush though as I do work on this all on my own and I have a dayjob ^ ^


"if I do it it'll be straight-up BL porn." 

^^I see this as an absolute win.




I want hetero/GL AND BL porn lmao. nah. Anything is fine. I love how the creator is adding all. I am the type that dont discriminate and care for someone cuz of love without labeling a gender or sex. so having a gaming that allow me to play as female and male and have many different characters with a diverse gender is always a nice touch.


I would like that too<3